We are excited to share that Citadel received the coveted “In-House System of the Year” award at Risk Magazine’s 2017 Risk Awards. The award recognized the firm for developing the Risk Center, an innovative system for visualizing and managing risk that has, according to Risk Magazine, “transformed the dialogue between risk and the business.”
“The risk centre is all about information, and our focus is on making sure the risk information is presented in a useful and impactful way,” Citadel’s Chief Risk Officer, Joanna Welsh told Risk Magazine. “Given the risk centre’s visualisation capabilities and the amount of data now available, we are able to assess the risk exposures of portfolio managers and market-makers more effectively, and we will continue to build on the current capabilities.”
The Risk Awards recognize businesses and individuals for their achievements and contributions to the derivatives and risk management industries. They are considered to be one of the most prestigious annual awards programs in financial services and are the longest running awards of their kind. Winners are selected by Risk Magazine’s editorial team following a review of written submissions, research and interviews with senior market participants.